2012, Week Fourteen

I’m a bit behind this week. What a shock. Things have been busy at work (so many meetings), and after a full work day, plus the gym, and cooking dinner, I haven’t really been in much of a mood for anything other than reading a silly book, watching The Daily Show, and going to bed. I do have some tasty meals to share, but for now, all I can muster are these photos. Sad face.

But oooh! So pretty:

Marshall Territory hiking (Mt. Diablo)
Apr 1 – Hiking last Sunday near Mt. Diablo

Simple dinner: salmon, vegetables. Perfect.
Apr 2 – I’ve decided that April is health month. So we’ve been eating a fair amount of fish. This salmon was lovely. Does anyone else always make the typo “salmong” when trying to type salmon? Just wondering.

Stuffed chicken, skillet vegetables, grains
Apr 3 – A Mark Bittman recipe for stuffed chicken, sauteed corn, and farro and red rice. The farro and red rice were bought frozen at Whole Foods and I LOVE it! Cooked whole grains in three minutes? Yes please.

Gift to self
Apr 4 – I always buy myself gifts at the beginning of the month, when I get paid. I’m predictable that way. I’ve been wanting this one for awhile, and now it’s mine. (I also bought a deep frying/candy thermometer. Can you say fried chicken?)

Picked vegetables at Piccino
Apr 5 – My folks came to town and we had a lovely dinner at Piccino, in San Francisco. These picked vegetables were awesome. I wish there had been way more of them.

At the corner of Grand and Broadway, Oakland
Apr 6 – Art Murmur happens in our neighborhood on the first Friday of every month. It’s a mixed blessing, but I did smile when I saw this on the corner while I was walking home.

Apr 7 – We are getting lots of salad greens from our CSA these days. We got three bags today. It is salad time up in this place. Forever.

I have turnip soup for you, and bouillabaise! I made an awesome meatloaf, that didn’t actually have a lot of meat in it. Health month is awesome.